It appears that Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has immense affection for the sports, that’s why he is hurling money on national men and women hockey team. He has emerged as the divine power to save the national game. It’s nice! He has also requested the politicians to keep sports far from their political ambit. Wow! We have got a Daanveer Karna in this Ghanghor Kalyug even.
This generation hasn’t seen such kind of great politician so I think we are unable to digest it. What about you? You may. But I can’t.
Once I with one of my good friends did reporting on the tragedy of hockey in state capital in the first weak of October last year for our weekly lab journal ‘Vikalp’. (This is the toughest reporting, I have done hitherto.)
And what we found after the reporting that ‘All India Obedulla Khan Gold Hockey tournament’ a dear event for the state hasn’t been taking place since 2003 due to the local politics. Organizing this tournament was the matter of proud for Bhopal in the past and was impossible to even imagine any national or international team without players from the state. All the credit goes to the charm of this tournament in the state behind such perception.
Two people Gufran-e-azam and Dhruvnarayan Singh, one is pro-Congress and the other is pro-BJP and both led the Bhopal Hockey Federation with their own concepts. Both of them claim that the federation they lead is real one and due to this ongoing conflict hockey Bhopal is being played in the court instead of ground since 2003.
Here the great lover of sports and Masiha, Chouhan replaced Babulal Gaur and became Chief Minister of the MP on November 29, 2005. Since then he is the ruling authority of the state and he hasn’t taken a single step to regain the pride state has lost.
But without giving single effort for the state sports he is ready to do everything for national sports. What is this? Just try to understand.. The stimulus package he provided to the team and federation to eradicate the unhealthy situation of female hockey players and he was also trying to take credit in male hockey team’s crisis
Or just go through a new angle, he was just about to win the game means after gorgeous gain of credit, in male hockey team without giving single penny because federation denied his help. He was trapped after opening a Pandora’s Box referring to hockey from which he was not aware of, by women hockey team practicing now –a-days in Sai Center of Bhopal which is one of the products of the box. And now under compulsion he is taking suo motto action with pseudo kindness.
One more information would be pertinent here that former Chief Minister of MP, Digvijay Singh, CM of Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati with many others have also announced for some support to the really suffering sport. It means politicians and their politics have been involved after Chouhan’s initiative. But what is wrong! If Chouhan can surge himself, why cant the others…..