On Tuesday night my mobile blinked, displaying a message. Opening the message, I got to know that a journalist forwarded an appeal of ‘Jago Hindu Jago’ with a breaking news “J&K me amaranth Yatra ke virodh me Kashmiri muslmano ne Srinagar me KC Road sthit Shiv Mandir Jalaya, media bekhabar”.
Death of any youth disturbs a whole village, city or the big arena wherever the information reaches. Means death of a youth is not normal information, like death of an old man, even in the case of natural death. According to news coming through various 24X7 TV news channels and newspapers, 11 youths have been killed in Jammu & Kashmir by CRPF in last fifteen days.
I am quite surprised viewing Indian intelligentsia as mute spectators in the whole scenario. What more they want for their valuable response? Their deafening silence on the issue raises a lot of question on their honesty and their right to intervene in any social or political issue.
Are people not facing problem in breathing with this information that 11 youth in a democratic country have been gunned down, being accused of pelting stones on the personnel?
P Chidambaram, Home Minister of the country, has defended the killing of youth on the name of conspirators who are engaged in dismantling the Indian state. Police authority guard justifies its move, with the logic that the youth irked the CRPF, which compelled them to open fire on them.
On the other hand, Omar Abadullah, Chief Minister of J&K, has showing his concern over the incident states that Indian security forces have gone out of control. Though, he would be forced to nil-down very soon by Indian Sumo politicians.
I am requesting all of you to please consider the options on humanistic ground which a Kashmiri can have in such conditions. We all want that Kashmir should be the part of Indian state. But, just think for a minute, if such atrocities occur in UP, MP or any other state, would we support Indian state blindly?
The state has forgotten all the space for its citizens. We are only safe until we do not come in the path of their development knowingly or unknowingly. Though they also avoid confrontation and perform all their works surreptitiously but while going for toilet even if we become evident of their wrong doing, they will crush us without giving a bit concern of our dream of living.
Now, how is it expected that our relatives would be raped, killed and we should maintain the silence and stay back at our homes. We have also only two options either to come outside from the comfortable zone with the risk of maximum negative consequences or sit in room. Be honest, is it possible to sit in, and maintain silence with the information regarding murder and rape of our relatives?
They request the rebellions, not to pick the gun against the state and then they invite outfits on the table to resolve the problem. But, have they picked anyone with a motive to resolve the conflict on breakfast table till date, who followed the path of peace and carrying different opinions from the power. ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’ could be considered as a perfect example under which people are struggling for their basic rights to live, for more than 20 years but the Indian government has not invited them to discuss the problem hitherto.
I think the puzzling situation of Kashmir valley really is in demand of intervention of the Indians without heeding state and religion, if we are really honest with our wish that Kashmir should be the part of the country.
Whatever power the country is having, if such conspiracy of saving temples and mosques would continue and we would be deviated from the information about the beauty of Kashmir valley would be left far behind.
So, in the condition of any such atrocities with Kashmiries or anyone else, we will have to raise our hands before the victims of these atrocities raise their hands and pick the gun. We could expect maintaining peace from the victims only after giving our effort in their favour.
I have had a problem in breathing as I came to know the information and don’t know what more I want.