Yesterday, I have got my 50th by-line news, working as a reporter in the English daily, ‘The Pioneer’ in Bhopal.
Getting by-line was not as easy a task as it sounds. Many ups and downs at emotional and physical front come in the path of getting by-line. It is surely tough job to mention each and every thing, but I know if it could be penned, would be a good piece to be read.
One thing could convey the story of whole scene of getting by-line. When I was probably on 40th or 41st, thought that I would write a blog-post after completing the half-century and after that I failed to get even a single by-line for almost a month. A time came, when I was about to leave the job. Do you know friends; this was the issue hurting me most at that time that the target of completing a half century will be left unachieved
So, completing the half-century in the field of by-lines was tougher than the Sachin’s one in the cricket against Pakistan or Australia. He just has to struggle physically and that too for just two to three hour, under a pressure but, in my case I struggled for so long, on every front including intellect, physical effort and emotional front as well to achieve the target.